Medical Marijuana


Utah currently has a medical cannabis program, but it is fairly strict, compared with other states. If you are a Utah resident, you must have a “Medical Cannabis Card” issued by the State to legally possess marijuana. If you are not a Utah resident (or have been a Utah resident for less than 45 days), you must qualify as a Non-Resident Patient to legally possess marijuana.

Use the questions below to help determine if you may qualify for the defense to criminal charges of marijuana possession:


+Have you been diagnosed with one or more of the conditions on this list?

HIV or an Auto-Immune Disorder


ALS (“Lou Gehrig’s disease”)

Cancer, cachexia, or another condition “manifest by physical wasting, nausea, or malnutrition”

Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or a similar gastrointestinal disorder

Epilepsy or a similar condition causing debilitating seizures

Multiple sclerosis or a similar condition causing persistent and debilitating muscle spasms



Answer: No: you probably don't qualify to get a Utah Cannabis Card or as a Non-Resident Patient.

Answer: Yes: Go on...


+Did you have an out-of-state doctor's recommendation or a Utah Cannabis Card at the time you were charged with possession of Marijuana?

Answer: No: You probably don't qualify for the defense to the criminal charge, but you should look into getting a card for the future.

Answer: Yes: Go on...


+Do you have less than 113 grams of raw marijuana and less than 20 grams total THC?

Answer: No: You don't qualify

Answer: Yes: Go on...


+Was your marijuana in (what Utah calls) "Medicinal Dosage Form"?

Medicinal Dosage Form means that for processed THC in:

  • A Tablet
  • A Capsul
  • Concentrated Oil
  • Liquid Suspension
  • Topical Preparation
  • Transdermal Preparation
  • Sublingual Preparation
  • Lozenge or Gelatinous Edible in a Cube or Rectangle (no gummie bears!)
  • Transdermal Preparation


  • If raw marijuana, is in its original packaging from the dispensary.

Answer: No: You probably don't qualify

Answer: Yes: Wow, you might actually qualify for Utah's Medical Affirmative Defense!



If you answered “yes” to all of these questions you may be able to qualify for a defense to your criminal charge. Please contact us through our Contact Page with details on your situation.